Pet Portraits By Kerry Podcast



Hello and welcome! My name is Kerry and I am a pet portrait artist. These podcasts allow my audience to get to know the person behind the pencils a little better! Each week Ill be talking about what commissions Im currently working on as well as other topics such as up and coming competitions plus Ill be discussing whats going on with you guys and your pet updates!


  • Episode 3

    11/10/2019 Duración: 41min

    In this podcast I’ll be discussing my earliest memories of drawing and the kind of environment that I grew up in. I will also be touching upon my crazy teenage years and how my mental health took a turn for the worst as a young adult. You guys will get to know what I experienced growing up whilst my art remained an inconsistent factor during these crazy times! Please enjoy and get ready for something a little different. Thank you for listening.

  • Episode 2

    05/09/2019 Duración: 21min

    Hi there and welcome! In this episode you will hear about progress on my current commissioned piece, info on a puuuuurfect up and coming competition, the exclusive updates on my 2020 pet calendar PLUS your shoutouts and stories! Thank you so much for joining me!

  • Episode 1

    20/03/2019 Duración: 13min

    In this first episode I will be discussing what I’m currently working on, details on the month of March freebies competition plus to end I’ll be doing a few shout outs and stories. Thank you for tuning in and please sit back and enjoy!